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Portal Purchaser Functionality

Some customers choose to use an external organization to manage payments of and/or contracts for QuantityWare BCS. These external organizations are known to QuantityWare as Purchasers.

Since V6.7.0 (December 2021), the QuantityWare Service Portal has been extended to better support those organizations using Purchasers, with the following functionality:

Role Exclusivity

When a Customer has a Purchaser assigned to it, roles are exclusively provided to Customer or Purchaser contacts only.

This is to ensure a separation of duties between the organizations.

When adding a contact using the Contacts Manager, a user specifies which organization the contact belongs to. This limits the available roles and highlights the contact as either being a Customer or Purchaser contact.

See Contacts Manager (for Purchasers) for more details.

Ticket Visibility Restrictions

When a Customer has a Purchaser assigned to it, any ticket raised by a Customer contact will not be visible to the Purchaser’s contacts, and vice-versa, regardless of assigned roles.

Tickets will display a message to explain this when viewed:

Only those contacts from the Purchaser or Customer may be assigned the ticket, or be copied on the ticket.

When raising a ticket, a contact can choose to share the Ticket between both Customer and Purchaser Contacts, using the “Also allow contacts from [other organization] to view and reply to this ticket:

In these cases, a warning will be displayed on the ticket when viewing it:

Existing Tickets

For legal reasons, any existing tickets assigned to the Customer (regardless of whether these are financial, contractual, or other) prior to assignment of the Purchaser to the Customer will not be visible to any Purchaser contacts.

Adding a Purchaser

If your organization is intending to use a Purchaser, you can request the addition of this Purchaser with QuantityWare.

This is done via a Purchaser Request, which requires approval from both a Customer and Purchaser representative with relevant authority to sign off the addition. This also allows QuantityWare to liaise with you to answer any possible questions

Start the Process

Request Permissions

Only those contacts assigned the “Management” or “Cust Admin” role on your Customer have permission to raise a Purchaser Request. Others will not see the “Add Purchaser” section on the Customer Profile (see below).

To begin the addition process, a contact navigates to the Customer Profile within the Service Portal, clicks the “Add Purchaser Organisation” tab within the “Customer” section, and selects “+ Request Purchaser Addition”:

Fill in the Form

This opens the Purchaser Request form. To complete the form, the following information must be provided:

  1. Purchaser Name & Address – Enter the Purchaser’s legal name, along with their legal address
  2. Purchaser Responsibility – State whether the Purchaser will be responsible for Financial matters, Contractual matters, or both
  3. Purchaser Contacts – Add Contacts from the Purchaser and assign the relevant Financial and/or Contractual roles to them, as required
  4. Approver Details – Enter the details of the people with authority to approve this request, both at your Customer and at the Purchaser

Once all provided, submit the form. If all data is validated, you’ll receive the following confirmation:

Approve the Request

Next, the approver contact for both the Customer and Purchaser must choose to either approve or reject request.

They will receive an email containing a link to an Approve Request page, which is used to:

  • View the request details
  • Communicate with QuantityWare (if required)
  • Approve / reject your request:

The approver contact then decides to:

  • Approve – the request will be marked as “approved” and, once approved by both, sent to QuantityWare for processing.
  • Reject – the request will be marked as “rejected” and all data deleted. You will be required to complete a new request. Please speak with the approver to understand why the rejection occurred prior to re-submission.


If we have any questions regarding the Purchaser addition, we will be in touch using the ticket.


Once any questions have been resolved, we will confirm the Purchaser Request.

This immediately adds the Purchaser organization to your Customer within the Portal, and the functionality described earlier in this document will apply.

Removing a Purchaser

If your organization no longer intends to work with its current Purchaser, you can request the removal of this Purchaser with QuantityWare.

This is done via a Purchaser Removal Request, which requires approval from a Customer representative with relevant authority to sign off the addition. This also allows QuantityWare to liaise with you to answer any possible questions

Start the Process

Request Permissions

Only those contacts assigned the “Management” or “Cust Admin” role on your Customer have permission to raise a Purchaser Removal Request. Others will not see the “Remove Purchaser” button on the Customer Profile (see below).

To begin the removal process, a contact navigates to the Customer Profile within the Service Portal, and selects “- Request Removal”:

Fill in the Form

This opens the Purchaser Removal Request form. To complete the form, the following information must be provided:

  1. Assign Contact Roles – Assign any required roles currently assigned to the Purchaser back to Contacts at the Customer
  2. Enter Approver Details – Enter the details of the person with authority to approve this request at the Customer

Once all provided, submit the form. If all data is validated, you’ll receive the following confirmation:

Approve the Request

Next, the approver contact for the Customer must choose to either approve or reject request.

They will receive an email containing a link to an Approve Request page, which is used to:

  • View the request details
  • Communicate with QuantityWare (if required)
  • Approve / reject your request

The approver contact then decides to:

  • Approve – the request will be marked as “approved” and sent to QuantityWare for processing.
  • Reject – the request will be marked as “rejected” and all data deleted. You will be required to complete a new request. Please speak with the approver to understand why the rejection occurred prior to re-submission.


If we have any questions regarding the Purchaser removal, we will be in touch using the ticket.


Once any questions have been resolved, and all required legal documentation has been signed, we will confirm the Purchaser Removal Request.

This immediately removes the Purchaser organization (and its Contacts) from your Customer within the Portal, and the functionality described earlier in this document will no longer apply.

Purchaser Tickets

For legal reasons, any tickets that were raised  by the Purchaser (and not shared with your Customer) will not be visible to your Customer’s contacts.

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