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How can I extend the density and temperature range for my product?

If you have a product which has a base density beyond the supported measurement standard range, or if temperature values are beyond the standard ranges, it is possible to extend the calculation range with one click:
This is possible for QuantityWare BCP ASTM D1250-80 and ASTM D1250-04 implementations, as well as for other standards – if the algorithm defined in the measurement standards allows so.
Then, you simply extend the range for densities, pressures and temperatures by selecting the “Extend range of standard implementation” indicator in the conversion group details screen:

Read Annex D: Standard Range Limit Extensions in the BCP Supported Standards Manual for additional information.

Important: If you decide to set the “Extend range of standard implementation” indicator, it is strongly recommended that you maintain range limit data for your conversion group. Depending on your detailed configurations, 0 density value input ( or 0 value input of other calculation parameters) may otherwise cause short dumps (division by 0 ) in your system, since the range extension indicator “turns off” standard range checks that are built into the implementations.

Note: Do not extend the range of a standard implementation, if it is not designed to cover the product for which you require the calculations – e.g. ASTM D1250-80/04 are not covering LPG products.

Read the Short Dump FAQ for additional configuration details. Note 000107 provides additional configuration options if the range limits are configured.

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