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I require UoM gigawatt hours for my natural gas calculations, how do I define it?

Gigawatt hour is an energy UoM. As part of the QuantityWare configuration template (BC sets), 30 energy UoM are delivered:

Gigawatt hour and terawatt hour are not defined in historic templates. However, these UoM can be added easily to the template and then distributed through your system landscape. Simply copy e.g. UoM MWH (megawatt hour):

to GWH and TWH, and adjust the exponent in the details from 6 to 9 (GWH) / 12 (TWH). Check with business experts if a combustion condition set is required – typically natural gas quantity conversions do require specification of a combustion reference temperature:

With BCS 30A CSP03 / BCS 30B CSP02 four new energy UoM, including Gigawatt hours, are delivered:

Categories: BCG Configuration FAQs | SAP UoM Configuration FAQs

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